Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Arte Circulante te lleva a Arte Ro 2015

Arte Circulante te lleva a Arte Ro 2015

Los interesados en participar en en el Stand de Arte Circulante, comunicarse con Claudia Sanzi.
Bases y condiciones: claudiasanzi@gmail.com

Todas las disciplinas y objetos.

Mail Art 2015 - Arte Correo

Monday, March 5, 2012

Muestra en la Universidad Abierta Interamericana

Vuelve la muestra sobre violencia intrafamiliar en la UAI. 
1- hasta 70cm de ancho x 100cm de alto (tema violencia familiar, en cualquier tecnica y estilo)
2- forma de corazon hasta 70 cm de ancho (tema "sanando corazones")

Quienes deseen sumarse pueden hacerlo escribiendo a expo.awa@gmail.com
La participacion es gratuita.

Domestic violence exhibition i n Argentina.
If you wish to participate, it's free of charge. Send us an email for further information.

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so."

Belva Davis
Award-Winning Journalist

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Make it a rule…never to lie down at night without being able to say, "I have made one human being at least a little wiser, a little happier or a little better
this day."
- Charles Kingsley

Thursday, March 18, 2010

AWA Cares

"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do." - Helen Keller